This blog started on June 6, 2009 (barely 6 months old) and looking back, it's hard to imagine how far it has gone (almost 100 posts) and how fast time went by so quickly. I recently had a chance to check on the blog stats and I didn't realize that the page hits already reached 10,242! Also, just for fun, I checked on the countries that has visited this blog for the past 6 months:

Have you seen your country? :)

The top 20 countries (listed above) were recorded by
Just two more hours (here in California) and 2010 will finally be here. I'd like to thank you all for your continued visits and will remember you in my prayers today, as I spend my last hour of 2009 and first hour of 2010 in our nearby adoration chapel. May God bless you and shower you all an abundant of graces for this coming year!
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