But Let us Not Call Him a Promoter of Peace, Justice, Equality, and Liberty
Following the passing of Senator Edward Kennedy last week, Liturgical Training Publications, an agency of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, sent out an updated version of their Prayers of the Faithful for August 30, the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Liturgical Training Publications send these prayers to subscribing Pastors and parishes.
This updated prayers of the faithful include this: "For those who have given their lives to service to their country, promoting values of peace, justice, equality, and liberty; especially, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, that he may find his eternal reward in the arms of God….We pray.”
To pray for Senator Kennedy as one who promoted peace, justice, equality, and liberty, ignoring the 49 million+ babies killed through legalized abortion, would be simply to pray a lie at Mass. Senator Kennedy’s pro-abortion voting record is well known. He voted against the ban partial birth abortion. He voted against the ban on human cloning. He voted to expand embryonic stem-cell research. The list could be extended. He has a 100% rating from the National Abortion Rights Action League.
Please call or email Liturgical Training Publications. Respectfully request that they immediately send out an amended prayer: “For all our beloved dead, especially (particular parish intentions) and for Senator Edward M. Kennedy, that they may find their eternal reward in the arms of God…We Pray.” Also call or email the Archdiocese of Chicago. Respectfully request that they instruct Liturgical Training Publications to send the amended prayer
Contact information:
Liturgical Training Publications
John A. Thomas, Director
773-579-4900, ext 3557
To send an email to LTP, click here.
Francis Cardinal George, OMI
Archbishop of Chicago
Mary Hallan-FioRito
Executive Assistant to the Archbishop