A fellow parishioner at St. Margaret Mary's forwarded me via email the following invitation:
Recently Bishop Cordileone received a letter from Rome by, Cardinal Piacenza, the Prefect of the Congregation of the Clergy. In this letter, the Prefect makes known that June 29th will mark the 60th anniversary of the priestly ordination of our beloved Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. He explains in this letter that, “this is an appropriate occasion to rally around the Supreme Pontiff, to demonstrate to him our gratitude, our affection,” and invites all diocesan ordinaries to offer sixty hours of Eucharistic Adoration in observance of this important anniversary.
Our bishop has responded in the most cordial manner. His desire is for the Diocese of Oakland to host 60 hours of continuous Eucharistic Adoration. It will begins on Wednesday, June 29th, and concludes Friday, July 1st, with Eucharistic Holy Hours from 7:00 PM to 9:00PM led by Bishop Cordileone. Adoration will rotate between the Cathedral of Christ the Light, and the two parishes within our diocese that offer Perpetual Adoration: St. Agnes in Concord, and Holy Spirit in Fremont. The hours of prayers from the Diocese of Oakland, along with those dioceses from around the world, will be offered as a Spiritual Bouquet to our Holy Father.